Saturday, January 21, 2012

Long Time, No See

We've taken a break from play farming in order to sort out a couple of health issues. We met a wonderful couple who purchased our entire herd of Nubians and gave them a wonderful home in southern Baldwin County, Ala.

In the meantime, the Great Pyrenees puppy we kept, Violet, has grown into a great watch dog. Like mother, like daughter. They still run the fences and keep the deer out of the pasture.

We've been working around the place. Cleaning up. Rearranging.

I think I'd like to try short-term herds. Basically, buy several young bucks in the spring and put them out to pasture, selling them in the fall. Depending how prices are, maybe young does. Birthing babies and all the complications that came with it multiplied by the fact that my husband and I both work 40+ hour a week jobs, 20 miles from home, made it impossible to spend as much time with goats who were kidding or young kids who needed extra attention.

I guess we'll see what the spring brings.

I'll post random things from time to time. Promise not to leave such a large gap in my posts.  :)

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