Wednesday, May 15, 2013

On the Road... FINALLY!

We took a quick, two-day trip to Birmingham for Spring Break/Good Friday. Craig was nice enough to go along with my desire to take the scenic route. We traveled through Monroeville to Camden and Millers' Ferry Campground on to Moundville and Tuscaloosa, before heading east to Tannehill State Historical Park and Birmingham.
It felt wonderful to see towns I'd heard about my entire life, but had never had the chance to visit.
Sydney, on the bank of the Black Warrior River at Moundville Archaelogical Park
Craig with a few feathered friends at the Birmingham Zoo
Golden tulips in a "private garden" at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Sydney with a statue of legendary UA coach, Paul "Bear" Bryant at the University of Alabama

Progress after a pause

After taking a break for about four months, we're working on the camper again. This weekend we moved it to its permanent location beside the meter base and sewer line. Craig finished the walls in the bedroom. Put down a floor in the bedroom and a large area rug. We finally put the bed back in. All we need to do now paint the primed kitchen walls and finish the floor in the main living area. We need to sand it. Then, we need to paint it. We finally feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sealing the bedroom windows
Cranking up the jacks for the short move
Finishing touches on the bedroom walls